In a period of crisis, the first and quite prudent move of management is to enforce tighter control and cost trimming. Decreasing or stopping marketing investment looks like a good idea in a period of crisis. This move can seem like a no-brainer, but we should recall the sentence: “Reducing marketing spending will, in most cases, only make a bad financial situation worse”. You can find it in this article

A crisis is a period in which we are dwarfed by the forces that exceed our best capabilities. It can be a war, natural disasters, migrant pressures, global pandemics, etc. Many are the phenomena that arise and develop beyond our ability to influence them. The main question is how adept and wise we are to make good use of our present capacitates. This is tied to decisions we make while managing our business or company during times of crisis. 

9 tips what can and should we do in marketing and communications when the crisis comes around!?

If you recognize the need for digital marketing and communications activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic and after it, we would be happy to meet up and define the optimal route to support your business. Please contact us.

Plan in accordance with the newfangled situation 

A popular management saying goes “plan is nothing and planning is everything”. Namely, planning, including the one in marketing is an ongoing process, not something conclusive and frozen at a point in time. You surely have strategic marketing plans and activities based on them. They are, however, tailored to one set of conditions, which natural disasters and global pandemic turn on their head. Thus, it’s necessary to reshuffle and adjust them to come up with viable tactics you can apply right away. 

Reconsider your target audience 

Major changes that accompany the crisis can significantly alter the demographic makeup. This might come as a result of migrations and refugee waves that arise in the wake of a natural disaster. But, it can also involve shifts in habits and characteristics of customers. For instance, migrants could be present in more significant numbers. So, ask yourselves who your buyer persona is. There is a chance that profiles changed substantially and now include different experiences and habits. 

Revamp the product, service, pricing scheme, and sales channels 

Crisis brings forth many changes. Certain segments of the population, as well as the society at large, don’t come out of the crisis the same. We have to think hard, investigate, and reassess our products, services, the pricing strategy, our channels of distribution and sales, and promotional techniques. They all have to reflect the new realities in and after the crisis.  

Reinforce our brand and its reputation 

We can be silent over the course of the crisis period. We can cancel all rented space, creative assets, and marketing campaigns. We may also adapt to the situation and deliver useful and quality content pieces to our audience, content that is adjusted to new requirements. People appreciate this gesture, as they always seek attention and will fondly remember what we did after the crisis. Between that and winning over loyal customers and clients is just one small step— you have practically already made it. 

Here is a concrete example. It may not be appropriate to, considering the current state of emergency, promote sports gear. Still, a sports brand could educate customers on how to stay in shape while exercising at home.

Take care of employees 

We live in times when employees, not machines or raw materials, represent the key driving force in business endeavours. An entire scientific and practical field is dedicated to them, and it’s called employer branding. Besides, your employees are your best advocates. As individuals and parts of families and friend circles, they can spread the good word around and portray you as a desirable or unattractive employer.

Show you care about the community you live and work in 

Caring about the surroundings we live and operate in has long evolved past activities of sprucing up urban green areas or giving money contributions. Today, in the age of advanced digital communications, the possibilities for doing something right and socially-beneficial in times of crisis are enormous. We just need to ponder and devise initiatives that are simple, effective, and in line with the values that your company and brand uphold

Unlocking applications with books in digital format or creating a series of exercises to perform in isolation are some of the options to consider. We’ve seen publishing companies and fitness facilities already implementing them in practice. These kinds of activities have one unique trait and it’s related to addressing the natural inertia, which prevents people from changing installed apps that address their old needs. Yet, a crisis will pass, and you’ll be left with many new app subscribers. 

Incorporate new insights

Crisis periods are times when we are inclined to pull a break on pastime activities. We can use this free time to learn new techniques and processes, as well as to familiarize ourselves with novelties that tech development introduces to the marketing line of work. 

Get ready for the crisis aftermath

Only two things are certain when a crisis strikes. They come and go. This is to say they follow the law of cycles that also governs our private and professional lives. When the initial impact runs its course, we evaluate and ameliorate the damage done, if any. Then, we employ preparation activities that are adjusted to new conditions and plan initiatives to deploy after the crisis.  

If we don’t do this, we miss out on the opportunity to have a timely start and to, once the conditions are met, enter the market battle. On the other hand, in case we do implement everything or at least a portion of the listed options, we emerge stronger from the crisis. 

Beat the competition! 

Last but not least, we live in a market economy and engage in many skirmishes out there. The Chinese letter for the crisis is also a symbol of opportunity. Comment start   Comment end Time creates wiggle room, as pointed out in this article: „Without marketing investment, companies cannot hang on to their market position for long.” Use this knowledge smartly, thoughtfully, and with good measure, taste, and creative flair. All in all, makes sure your activities fit the circumstances. 

Miloje Sekulić
Co-Founder & E-PR Director
Homepage Creative. Digital