There is this one day of the year they say is our day, Women’s Day. And then they shower us with flowers, gifts, attention, everyone is kind, considerate… A day when we all talk about gender equality, equal opportunities, respect, and understanding. A day when we remind ourselves of values we want to see in society.

But in Homepage, we live these values every day. When you meet one of us, you will realize we are much more like solid rocks than delicate flowers. Determined, fighting, brave, and ready to change the world and push boundaries. We often lead the way in change and inspire those around us. Therefore, we rarely do what is expected and usual but choose options close to us, logical, and in line with our values.

To not be total haters, let us say right away that we also celebrate March 8th. It’s just that we do it following the three basic principles of our agency – creatively, meaningfully, and dedicatedly.


As Miley says, we can buy ourselves flowers, so we decided to take a beer instead of a bouquet. But not just any beer – one inspired by us! Kabinet Brewery ensured that we enjoy a limited series of craft beers for this day, and it’s called… You have one guess. Of course, Homepagerka. If you haven’t seen what it looks like yet, it just means you’re not following us on Instagram. 👀 Like each of us, it’s special, striking, some would even say a little strange, but most importantly, unique.


The fight for women’s rights began with a strike, so we symbolically stopped working that day, packed ourselves in cars driven exclusively by women and visited the Mileva: We are one Rock exhibition by Dr Dušan Jovović. The exhibition is dedicated to one of the most significant women in our history and one of the greatest injustices done to a scientist just because she was a woman. On that day, it was important to remind ourselves of the past and gather strength from it for all future struggles for women’s equality that will undoubtedly continue.


Realistically, we were dedicated to everything that day, creating good photos and videos, which is our passion and our job. However, the highest degree of dedication was the moment when we had to eat the delicious cakes prepared for us by Šećernema (not “šećerlema,” because there really is no sugar).

And don’t think that we’re completely out of touch with the world because we want beer, not flowers, and we want cakes, not sugar. We also received the famous symbol of the fight for women’s rights – vouchers for cosmetics. Not only did we receive vouchers and gifts, but we also demonstrated our commitment to gender equality in action – we gave vouchers to the men on the team too. 🙂

So now tell us, aren’t we the rock?