
Why you need to know…

What is NFT? Judging by the number of Google searches, users are increasingly searching for the term NFT. If you belong to the group of those who are familiar with the term or are already part of the community of NFT owners, then this text is not for you.  In that case, we invite you to pass on what you…


How is Web 3 changing the world?

Impressions from the European Blockchain Convention 2022 Did you know that you are reading this text on the Web 2 page, and before that (if you are following us) you learned about it through social networks – also on Web 2? It is the Internet that we already know well and use every day, but still, we will not talk…


When is instagram giveaway (counter) productive?

Your brand has an Instagram account and probably one of your goals is to build your community and increase the number of followers. The question that arises is – How to achieve this? Surely the first solution that comes to mind is that famous and well-known word on the Internet – Giveaway. Yes, we will admit that it is the…


How can Instagram help to grow your business?

What awaits us on Instagram? How to create visibility on this social network, attract followers and increase the success of your brand or business? I hope that together we will come to an answer through the text that follows: Instagram – the network in focus (pun intended :)).  What do trends and predictions say? Pandemic accelerated the development of e-commerce…


Why eCommerce – why now?

eCommerce is a term you have probably come across at least a dozen times so far. If you are even remotely interested in the topic of online trade, if you browse online content of any kind, or even reading the local news, you must have. But, even if you didn’t, there’s a high chance you’ve used one of the services…


How to create a quality visual identity?

What is visual identity? Visual identity are all the images and graphics elements that express your brand and differentiate it from others. In other words, it describes everything that customers can physically see – from logos, packaging design, appearances on digital channels… to the interior design of a store or an office. Visual identity is the way you shape the…


Digital Marketing Glossary

Knowledge of terminology is one of the first steps in any field. That’s why we have prepared this Digital Marketing Glossary, so that all those who want to sail digital waters, regardless of which side of the task they are on, have in one place the basic concepts they will encounter in their daily work. Let’s start from the beginning…


Website is king!

Online presence and the website’s role in it are taken for granted today without considering some significant facts. For a start, let’s list a couple of examples of online presence: Website Application Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Google business place Comments that mention you or your company Advertising YouTube channel Business directories Google search Bing search … We could easily list a…
