
5 Steps in Creating Advertising Campaigns

There is a slew of marketing models and tools we use for creating marketing strategies. Take the example of a classic 4P model— Product, Place, Price, and Promotion. Many agencies across the globe have adopted it. Similarly, we have a newer 4C framework, which stands for Clients, Costs, Communication, and Convenience. These concepts are quite useful for strategically positioning the company, according…


7 tips for a powerful Instagram strategy

Is your business on Instagram? If not, you better have a good reason for ignoring this fun and simple social network that has over 1 billion monthly active users. That means that you need to have a presence on this powerful social network if you want to reach your audience today. Instagram is a mobile app that is continuously in…


Does Sales Funnel Need an Overhaul?

The Importance of Trust Funnel Many marketer professionals argue the days of a traditional sales funnel are numbered. While this statement is slightly premature, things are indeed changing at a rapid pace. Closing a sale is not the end of the buyer journey anymore, or at least it doesn’t have to be. Likewise, commoditizing customers is a grave risk that tends…


Who are LUSH and Tesla trying to trick?

Some brands invest most of their profit and energy into creating content and advertisements on social media. And on the other hand, some brands invest 0$ in their advertisements in social media, yet they are one of the most successful companies in the world. How could it be? What is so different about their digital strategy? Some of them even…


Are Facebook Groups Successors of Forums?

Here is the Answer and Tips on How to Use Them Facebook is an undisputed leader in a booming social media landscape.  Millions of individual users constitute the system of global interconnectedness. This grid is constantly evolving and changing. A recent major piece of news comes in the form of additional features and functions for Facebook Groups. The move is…


Why are Marathon Runners adept Marketing Leaders?

An unbelievable Connection between Running and Marketing Believe it or not, marketing and running share many similarities. You could say even too many! I have thought long and hard about the common thread between these two significant areas of passion in my life. On the one hand, I have an agency business, which is defined by stress, deadlines, communication, tasks,…


Why was Gibson right?

Neuromancer, the book that has been published 35 years ago, anticipated cyberspace and the development of technology before it existed. The author, William Gibson, has made a quantum leap into the world of science fiction with his Neuromancer. He accurately predicted people linking together to a global computer network over the Internet – something like Facebook today, cyber terrorism and…


Preparation is Half the Battle

What We Can and Should Do Before, During and After the Crisis on the Web Occurs I entered the world of marketing as a high school student, in the mid-80s. At the time, Punk and New Wave were all the rage. In socialist Yugoslavia, my home country, it was hard as hell to find T-shirts with band emblems and inscriptions.…
