We celebrated another tenth anniversary of working at the agency, so it’s time to send off another digital travelogue!

Ten years in the agency is a big anniversary, representing a journey and a unique experience. That is why the gift carries symbolism – creating new memories at a destination chosen by the Homepagers themselves. To complete this experience, the trip is for two, of course – with free days and pocket money for a carefree vacation. 

Our creative director, Adorjan Kurucz, completed his tenth year on the Agency team and chose spring for his trip when the city he chose was the most beautiful. It is Budapest, a city rich in history, culture, good food (and good brandy 😉).

Minimal effort – maximal impact

Although there is a myth that creative people function best in chaos, Adorjan loves order and planned action, so every day had its own story. However, one stood out in particular. But first, let’s tell you how it came about. 

Adorjan and Davor visited every must-visit attraction in Budapest—the magnificent Buda Castle and History Museum, Heroes’ Square, the famous Chain Bridge, and the Fisherman’s Bastion with the most beautiful view of the Danube and Parliament. In addition to the historical landmarks, they also visited the Van Gogh exhibition, which brought his famous paintings to life in a different way through projection and added a completely new dimension to them. Believe it or not, this wasn’t the most inspiring part of the story either. 

The biggest impression from this trip was the concert in the formal hall of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, and that was because of one special instrument – the tympanum. While the string instruments tirelessly fill the hall with perfect melodic lines, the timpanist waits patiently for his moment to shine and bring a completely new atmosphere. After that, he returns to his starting position and calmly waits for the next opportunity to show what he knows. For Adorjan, this was what he wanted the most to point out to us from his trip because it carries a message that is important for all creatives – it is not necessary to make extreme efforts to leave a lasting impression. In fact, it is much more important to recognize the moment when your skills will make a difference in the creative process.  

Follow our Instagram for more content from this by-no-ordinary anniversary trip, and we’ll be back soon from some new destination.